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How to Use Content Localization to Boost Sales

*This article was last updated on 07/09/2023

Going digital brings new opportunities and challenges. That’s especially true when trying to reach and engage with diverse audiences effectively. Content localization is a powerful strategy that can bridge the gap between your business and potential customers worldwide.

Consider this: while English remains a dominant language online, 75% of consumers prefer to buy products in their native language. Moreover, 60% of global consumers rarely or never buy from English-only websites. 

And it’s not just about language; it’s about understanding local search behaviors, cultural references, and regional trends.

What is Content Localization?

Content localization is not a new concept, but its importance has skyrocketed as competition in the digital landscape gains momentum. It is the art of adapting online content to different target audiences’ specific tastes, preferences, and cultural norms. 

We don’t simply want to convert content into other languages when we perform content localization. For example, we want to ensure that when someone in Madrid searches for a product, they find content that resonates with their Spanish sensibilities.

Because of this, it’s essential to distinguish the following two terms;

Translation: This involves converting content from one language to another. For instance, an English website can be translated into French. However, this must account for regional dialects, cultural nuances, or local search behaviors.

Localization: This takes translation a step further. It’s about understanding the local market’s psyche. For example, while the French in France might search for “chaussures élégantes” (elegant shoes), in Quebec, the term might be “souliers chics.” 

Beyond words, it’s about local customs, festivals, and even regional news that can be integrated into content to make it more relatable.

How to Localize Your Website Content

Before diving into the localization process, it’s essential to understand your target audience. This involves researching their preferences, cultural norms, and buying behaviors. Tools like Google Analytics can provide insights into where your website traffic is coming from.

Next, it’s time to consider content localization based on several areas of SEO optimization;

Localizing On-Page Content for SEO

Once you’ve identified your target audience, localizing your on-page content is next. This includes:

  • Meta Titles and Descriptions: Ensure these are translated and optimized for local search terms.
  • Keyword Research: Use tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to identify popular search terms in the target region. Remember, direct translations might only sometimes be the most searched terms.
  • Content Body: Ensure that the content is culturally relevant. For instance, references to baseball might not resonate with a European audience, where football (soccer) is more popular.

Image and Alt-Text Localization

Images play a crucial role in user engagement. Ensure that:

  • Images are Relevant: An image showcasing a beach holiday might not be suitable for promoting travel in a landlocked country.
  • Alt-Text is Localized: This not only aids in SEO but also improves accessibility for users relying on screen readers.

Technical Aspects of Localization

Beyond content, several technical elements need attention:

  • Hreflang Tags: These HTML tags tell search engines which language you use on a specific page, ensuring that the correct language version appears in search results.
  • URL Structure: Decide between subdomains, subdirectories, or ccTLDs based on your business’s needs and resources.
  • Sitemaps: Create separate sitemaps for each language version of your site.
  • Canonical Tags: These help prevent duplicate content issues when you have similar content in multiple languages.

Off-Page Adjustments for a Localized SEO Strategy

Your localization efforts shouldn’t stop at your website:

  • Backlink Building: Aim to get backlinks from popular websites in the target region.
  • Local Directories: List your business in local directories and review sites.
  • Engage with Local Influencers: Collaborate with local bloggers, vloggers, and social media influencers to increase your brand’s visibility in the target region.

Advantages of Content Localization

The strategic advantage of content localization will naturally be a boost to sales. However, understanding the ground-level benefits will help you in your localization endeavors. If you can bring forth these advantages in your content, it will simplify your content localization efforts.

Bridging the Cultural Gap

One of the most significant advantages of search localization is its ability to bridge the cultural divide. Businesses can foster a deeper connection with their target audience by tailoring content to resonate with specific cultural norms and values.

I once worked with a fashion brand that launched a Ramadan collection for its Middle Eastern audience during the holy month. By understanding and respecting the cultural significance of Ramadan, the brand not only saw a spike in sales but also received appreciation for its thoughtful approach.

Enhanced Sales Efficiency

Localized content isn’t just about appealing to the audience’s cultural sensibilities; it’s also about driving sales. When users see content in their native language that also resonates with their local experiences, they’re more likely to trust the brand and make a purchase.

For instance, a study showed that 73% of consumers are more inclined to buy a product if the product description and reviews are in their language. It’s a clear indication that localization directly impacts a business’s bottom line.

Better Search Engine Visibility

Search engines, including giants like Google, prioritize content relevant to the user. By localizing content, businesses can improve their search engine rankings in specific regions. This means that a user in Italy would see Italian-localized content higher up in their search results.

Consider the keyword “coffee.” This might bring up results about local coffee shops or popular American coffee chains in the US. However, the same keyword could prioritize results about espresso techniques or local Italian coffee brands in Italy.

Cultivating Trust Through Cultural Sensitivity

Every culture has its nuances, idioms, and references. Incorporating these into your content shows your audience that you understand and respect their culture. This not only enhances user experience but also builds trust.

A client I worked with, a global toy brand, once released a toy line in Spain. Instead of merely translating the names and descriptions, they incorporated popular Spanish folklore and tales into the product narratives. 

The result? The toys were not just products; they became stories that resonated with the local audience, leading to increased brand loyalty.

Adapting to Local Market Trends

Localizing content also means staying updated with local market trends. What’s trending in one country might be irrelevant in another. By keeping a finger on the pulse of local trends, businesses can adapt their strategies and offerings accordingly.

When Netflix expanded to India, they didn’t just offer their standard shows. They invested in producing local content, understanding the massive Bollywood industry’s influence and the Indian audience’s preferences. 

Today, their localized shows are among the most-watched in the region.

Challenges and Solutions in Content Localization

Like SEO in general, content localization is science and art combined. Only by experimenting with various combinations can you truly capture the market effectively. Remember, what works for others might not fit your business.

Navigating the Complexities of Language

Language is intricate, filled with nuances, idioms, and cultural references. A direct translation might convey the literal meaning but miss the emotional or cultural essence.

For example, “break a leg” is a way to wish someone good luck. However, directly translating this into another language might leave readers baffled or concerned about leg injuries!

Ensure you collaborate with native speakers or localization experts who understand the language and the culture. They can ensure that translations capture the intended tone and meaning.

Technical Hurdles

From setting up hreflang tags to managing different URL structures for various regions, the technical aspects of localization can be daunting.

A client I assisted wanted to expand their eCommerce site to multiple European countries. However, they needed help setting up country-specific domains and ensuring that users were directed to the correct version of the site based on their location.

I advised them to use platforms and tools designed for multilingual websites. Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress offers plugins that simplify the process. 

Cultural Sensitivities and Taboos

Every culture has its sensitivities, and what’s acceptable in one region might be taboo in another.

Case Study: A global fast-food chain once released an advertisement in China that was perceived as disrespectful to local customs. The backlash was swift, with calls for boycotts and a hit to the brand’s reputation in the region.

Be sure to conduct thorough cultural research before launching campaigns or content. Engage with local teams or consultants who can provide insights into cultural norms and potential pitfalls. Relying on cultural norms pulled from websites can be risky.

Keeping Up with Local Trends

Local trends can change rapidly, and what’s popular or relevant today might be something other than tomorrow.

One good way to stay updated is by engaging with local influencers, news, and social media channels. Regular market research and feedback loops with local teams can help brands stay ahead of the curve.

Consistency Across Multiple Languages

Ensuring brand consistency across multiple languages and regions can be challenging. There’s a delicate balance between localization and maintaining a consistent brand voice.

Working with a global tech company, we faced the challenge of localizing their product manuals. While the technical details had to be accurate, we also wanted to ensure that the brand’s friendly and approachable tone was consistent across all languages.

The solution was to create a comprehensive brand and style guide that provides direction on tone, voice, and key brand elements. While translations might differ, the overall feel and essence of the brand should remain consistent.

Beyond Translation: The Strategic Advantage of Content Localization

By tailoring content to resonate with specific regions, you can foster deeper connections, drive sales, and enhance user experience. However, as we’ve explored, the localization journey is filled with challenges, from navigating language nuances to addressing technical complexities. 

With a strategic approach, informed research, and a focus on cultural sensitivity, businesses can harness the power of search localization to achieve global success. As the digital space gets even more crowded, it will be a vital pillar to help you stand out.

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